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Safeguarding the beauty of open space in Utah was and remains the motivation for Utah Open Lands’ creation and continuing existence. As land for farming, ranching, recreating, educating and inspiring diminishes across America at a rate of an amount that equals almost 6,000 acres a day, the need for advocates for open space is crucial.
Partnerships with landowners are the primary reason Utah Open Lands has protected over 64,000 acres to date. Placing a conservation easement on a piece of property is only the beginning of a relationship Utah Open Lands maintains with the land, the landowning family and the community. Utah Open Lands works to preserve land utilizing many different tools and techniques. From bargain purchase to donations of land or conservation easements. Utah Open Lands has over 34 years of experience in finding a conservation solution for landowners and the land. Navigate to our projects to see the impact of saving open lands >>
The hallmark of Utah Open Lands’ innovative tools is the conservation easement. A conservation easement is a binding, legal agreement entered into mutually and voluntarily by a landowner and Utah Open Lands for the purpose of protecting the special features of a property by restricting development. The land remains in private ownership while Utah Open Lands acts as conservator ensuring the protection of the conservation values. The landowner can continue to live on and use the property, sell it, or pass it on to the next generation. With the passage of the Farm and Ranch Protection Act there are additional estate tax, as well as income tax, benefits available. The donation of a conservation easement may result in a charitable deduction for the donor.
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