Forty-Fifth Star preserve
Protected in 2023
Acreage: 3120
Summit and Wasatch County, UT
Forty-Fifth Star Conservation Preserve provides significant regional trail and recreation connections, protecting this important conservation value as well as, preserving important wildlife habitat and ecosystems.
EX Utah Development LLC and its affiliated companies, founded by Gary Barnett, have owned the property for several years, and early on became passionate about conserving the donated land for future generations protecting wildlife habitat and creating opportunities for the public to recreate on the property in ways that have never before been possible. At the same time, the conservation easement eliminates residential and hotel development in the donated areas, preserving the donated property for open space and outdoor
recreational opportunities for the public in perpetuity.
The donation dramatically increases open space reserves within the Wasatch Back. The Forty-Fifth Star Conservation Preserve lies at the critical intersection of two counties and several open land reserves making its protection valuable and even essential for public regional recreational trail system connections and habitat connectivity. The recreational trail system will create needed non-winter recreational opportunities as well as augmenting regional trail systems and dispersing public use in the area that is currently at
capacity. Initial trails constructed on the Forty-Fifth Star Preserve will be opened to the public as soon as fall of 2023.