CAMP WILLIAMS - MCclellan wood
Acquired in 2024
Acreage: 244
Cedar Fort, Utah County, UT
Located just outside an area in Utah County experiencing rapid growth, the majority of the Preserve is predominantly comprised of woodland, mountain brush and scattered forests, and shrubs and grassland, or a Sagebrush Basins and Slopes Ecoregion. Originally covered by Lake Bonneville the ecoregion contains ephemeral streams which are the main drainage system of the valleys, alluvial fans and mountain flanks, providing wildlife food and homing resources for blue grouse, wild turkey, chukar, mule deer, and Rocky Mountain elk habitat.
The Property was selected for placement under a conservation easement through the Army Compatible Use
Buffer (ACUB) program. This program enables the Army to partner with entities that can assist in ensuring buffer installations that also act in tandem as wildlife conservation areas and prevent development of areas deemed as critical open space.
"Across ACUB Programs at over 40 separate installastions, the Army has protected 390,903 acres (as of 2021) of natural habitat, open space, and working lands through its cooperative agreements with more than 50 partners ranging from large nationwide land trusts, to smaller local conservation entitites, to state and municipal governments." - US Army Environmental Command